Corections and clarrifications

After I posted my last missive my wife asked me what I’d been typing, so I told her. So now it is official, someone else has read my blog! Naturally she pointed out that I had put my age wrong in my first post, so here it is….I’m actually 48! Sorry if you have been imagining a much younger man. I truly don’t know what on earth made me get such a personal detail wrong, I can only put it down to ….well old age really!

In other news from around the house, this years Christmas list from youngest son has appeared in the kitchen. Last year it was carefully colour coded to indicate preferences, (red = must have, blue = would like, yellow = not that bothered, but if you insist on buying me lots of things!) This year small square tick boxes have been helpfully added so we can keep a record of what we have bought. As the list is pinned to the notice board I can’t help but worry that this would spoil any Christmas morning surprises. But what do I know?

Earlier in the week I got an incinerator bin for the garden. It is shiny and silver with holes in the side and a little chimney. Annie is delighted, she has had embarked on a pyromania spree. Scrap paper, newspapers, garden waste, tissues – nothing has been safe.  It has been reminiscent of the episode of Malcolm in the Middle where they got the wood chipper and ended up throwing everything and anything into it. I fear for our furniture.

More job applications have been sent off, they disappear into the internet ether with a speed that hardly reflects the time and effort that it takes to write them. Nothing is quite like that sinking feeling when you download a job description and it’s four pages long, all needing to be worked back into the application letter. Having been a teacher for 25 years, I find it interesting to see what other professions consider to be essential for prospective employees. I hope I meet at least some of those aspirational and inspirational qualities.

If I am invited to interview I will have a dilemma as I have joined in with Movember. It (my ‘mo’) is one week old and starting to look a bit less like a shaving omission, but it is not something I am used to seeing on my face.(Has one of your eyebrows come down for a drink?) I am sure I will like it by the end of the month when I will be able to twiddle the ends while I laugh my evil laugh! But I don’t really know if I want to wear it to a job interview. We’ll see.

Hopefully a factually correct post this time!

Let me know what you thought....